Higginson Park, Pound Lane, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 2AE. Clubhouse Tel. No: 07908 336730
Welcome to the Marlow Bowls Club Website
We are a friendly and welcoming club located close to the river in the lovely Thameside town of Marlow.
From mid-April to mid-September we play Lawn Bowls on our beautiful 6 rink natural green.
New or experienced bowlers are always welcome. So please drop in to say hello and have a look around.
There will be someone to welcome you from around 6:30 pm on any Friday evening during the summer season.
At any other time, please give us a ring beforehand so that we can ensure there is someone around to welcome you.
Contact phone numbers can be found via the menu on the left of the screen on your computer or by pressing the box with three lines which is near the top of this page on your mobile phone.
If you would like to try your hand on the green, you would be most welcome, just give Peter, our Secretary or Felicity, our President a call to make arrangements.
If you would like some coaching to help you learn the game, this is available free of charge.
For directions to the Club, membership information and a list of contacts, please see the menu on the left of the screen.
Short Mat Bowls
The Club has a Short Mat section playing in the clubhouse from October through to March and new members are always welcome.
The section runs very sociable roll-ups on Tuesday & Thursday evenings, and on Wednesday afternoons.
For the more enthusiastic bowlers, there is a programme of competitions run through the season.
For more information about Short Mat at Marlow, see the menu on the left of the screen.
In the meantime, please explore our website.
Members wishing to access the Members Only section of the website should log on by clicking the Log In box on the top right of the screen an entering their password.
If you do not yet have a password click here to Register
Website address - www.marlowbowls.co.uk or www.e-voice.org.uk/marlowbowls/